Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hello again!

I will be shocked if any of you even really read this, as this is my THIRD time starting this up. I feel like I get going, then things come up and I stop. And it happened... again. Either way, to catch you all up, this is what has gone down.:

1. My husband got out of the military! Yup, he got out, then we made a cross country trip with a toddler. Shockingly, I'm not being sarcastic when I say it wasn't that bad. We all had a great time and it's awesome being back on the east coast.

2. The hubby may be opening a storefront here soon. Which is awesome.

3. I haven't biked in forever, as I gave it away before we moved because I wanted the poor baby to get some use out of it instead of sitting in storage. Hubby says if I'm good, he will get me a new bike here soon! (:

4. Since I haven't biked, I feel like crap and I know I've gained weight. I have bought some weights and am following some online workout videos. Yay!

5. I started knitting.

6. That's about it. It may not sound like a lot, but believe me, it is.

Whew. Since things have calmed down, I hope to blog more regularly. Please PLEASE give me some topics to talk about. To make this more successful and have you interested, I need your help and want to know what you want me to talk about.

Thanks for reading again! (: